Source code for celerite2.pymc3.celerite2

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__all__ = ["GaussianProcess", "ConditionalDistribution"]

import numpy as np
import theano.tensor as tt

from celerite2.citation import CITATIONS
from celerite2.core import BaseConditionalDistribution, BaseGaussianProcess
from celerite2.pymc3 import ops

class ConditionalDistribution(BaseConditionalDistribution):
    def _do_general_matmul(self, c, U1, V1, U2, V2, inp, target):
        target += ops.general_matmul_lower(
            self._xs,, c, U2, V1, inp
        target += ops.general_matmul_upper(
            self._xs,, c, V2, U1, inp
        return target

    def _diagdot(self, a, b):
        return tt.batched_dot(a.T, b.T)

[docs] class GaussianProcess(BaseGaussianProcess): conditional_distribution = ConditionalDistribution def _as_tensor(self, tensor): return tt.as_tensor_variable(tensor).astype("float64") def _zeros_like(self, tensor): return tt.zeros_like(tensor) def _do_compute(self, quiet): if quiet: self._d, self._W, _ = ops.factor_quiet( self._t, self._c, self._a, self._U, self._V ) self._log_det = tt.switch( tt.any(self._d <= 0.0), -np.inf, tt.sum(tt.log(self._d)) ) else: self._d, self._W, _ = ops.factor( self._t, self._c, self._a, self._U, self._V ) self._log_det = tt.sum(tt.log(self._d)) self._norm = -0.5 * (self._log_det + self._size * np.log(2 * np.pi)) def _check_sorted(self, t): return tt.opt.Assert()(t, tt.all(t[1:] - t[:-1] >= 0)) def _do_solve(self, y): z = ops.solve_lower(self._t, self._c, self._U, self._W, y)[0] z /= self._d[:, None] z = ops.solve_upper(self._t, self._c, self._U, self._W, z)[0] return z def _do_dot_tril(self, y): z = y * np.sqrt(self._d)[:, None] z += ops.matmul_lower(self._t, self._c, self._U, self._W, z)[0] return z def _do_norm(self, y): alpha = ops.solve_lower( self._t, self._c, self._U, self._W, y[:, None] )[0][:, 0] return tt.sum(alpha**2 / self._d) def _add_citations_to_pymc_model(self, **kwargs): import pymc3 as pm model = pm.modelcontext(kwargs.get("model", None)) if not hasattr(model, "__citations__"): model.__citations__ = dict() model.__citations__["celerite2"] = CITATIONS
[docs] def marginal(self, name, **kwargs): """Add the marginal likelihood to a PyMC model Args: name (str): The name of the random variable. observed (optional): The observed data Returns: A :class:`celerite2.pymc3.CeleriteNormal` distribution representing the marginal likelihood. """ from celerite2.pymc3.distribution import CeleriteNormal self._add_citations_to_pymc_model(**kwargs) return CeleriteNormal(name, self, **kwargs)
[docs] def conditional( self, name, y, t=None, include_mean=True, kernel=None, **kwargs ): """Add a variable representing the conditional density to a PyMC3 model .. note:: The performance of this method will generally be poor since the sampler will numerically sample this parameter. Depending on your use case, you might be better served by tracking the results of :func:`GaussianProcess.predict` using ``Deterministic`` variables and computing the predictions as a postprocessing step. Args: name (str): The name of the random variable y (shape[N]): The observations at coordinates ``x`` from :func:`GausianProcess.compute`. t (shape[M], optional): The independent coordinates where the prediction should be made. If this is omitted the coordinates will be assumed to be ``x`` from :func:`GaussianProcess.compute` and an efficient method will be used to compute the mean prediction. include_mean (bool, optional): Include the mean function in the prediction. kernel (optional): If provided, compute the conditional distribution using a different kernel. This is generally used to separate the contributions from different model components. Returns: A :class:`pm.MvNormal` distribution representing the conditional density. """ import pymc3 as pm self._add_citations_to_pymc_model(**kwargs) if t is None: shape = kwargs.pop("shape", len(y)) else: shape = kwargs.pop("shape", len(t)) cond = self.condition( y, t=t, include_mean=include_mean, kernel=kernel, ) return pm.MvNormal( name, mu=cond.mean, cov=cond.covariance, shape=shape, **kwargs )