Source code for celerite2.numpy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__all__ = ["ConditionalDistribution", "GaussianProcess"]

import warnings

import numpy as np

import celerite2.driver as driver
from celerite2.core import BaseConditionalDistribution, BaseGaussianProcess
from celerite2.driver import LinAlgError

class ConditionalDistribution(BaseConditionalDistribution):
    def _do_general_matmul(self, c, U1, V1, U2, V2, inp, target):
        target = driver.general_matmul_lower(
            self._xs,, c, U2, V1, inp, target
        target = driver.general_matmul_upper(
            self._xs,, c, V2, U1, inp, target
        return target

    def _diagdot(self, a, b):
        return np.einsum("ij,ij->j", a, b)

    def sample(self, *, size=None, regularize=None):
        mu = self.mean
        cov = self.covariance
        if regularize is not None:
            cov[np.diag_indices_from(cov)] += regularize
        return np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov, size=size)

[docs] class GaussianProcess(BaseGaussianProcess): conditional_distribution = ConditionalDistribution def _setup(self): self._c = np.empty(0, dtype=np.float64) self._a = np.empty(0, dtype=np.float64) self._U = np.empty((0, 0), dtype=np.float64) self._V = np.empty((0, 0), dtype=np.float64) def _copy_or_check(self, y, *, inplace=False): if inplace: if ( y.dtype != "float64" or not y.flags.c_contiguous or not y.flags.writeable ): warnings.warn( "Inplace operations can only be made on C-contiguous, " "writable, float64 arrays; a copy will be made" ) y = np.ascontiguousarray(y, dtype=np.float64) else: y = np.array(y, dtype=np.float64, copy=True, order="C") return y def _as_tensor(self, y): return np.ascontiguousarray(y, dtype=np.float64) def _zeros_like(self, y): return np.zeros_like(y) def _do_compute(self, quiet): # Compute the Cholesky factorization try: self._d, self._W = driver.factor( self._t, self._c, self._a, self._U, self._V, self._a, np.copy(self._V), ) except LinAlgError: if not quiet: raise self._log_det = -np.inf self._norm = np.inf else: self._log_det = np.sum(np.log(self._d)) self._norm = -0.5 * ( self._log_det + self._size * np.log(2 * np.pi) ) def _check_sorted(self, t): if np.any(np.diff(t) < 0.0): raise ValueError("The input coordinates must be sorted") return t def _do_solve(self, y): z = driver.solve_lower(self._t, self._c, self._U, self._W, y, y) z /= self._d[:, None] z = driver.solve_upper(self._t, self._c, self._U, self._W, z, z) return z def _do_dot_tril(self, y): z = y * np.sqrt(self._d)[:, None] return driver.matmul_lower(self._t, self._c, self._U, self._W, z, z) def _do_norm(self, y): alpha = y[:, None] alpha = driver.solve_lower( self._t, self._c, self._U, self._W, alpha, alpha )[:, 0] return np.sum(alpha**2 / self._d)
[docs] def sample(self, *, size=None, include_mean=True): if self._t is None: raise RuntimeError("you must call 'compute' first") if size is None: n = np.random.randn(self._size) else: n = np.random.randn(self._size, size) result = self.dot_tril(n, inplace=True).T if include_mean: result += self._mean_value return result